In this treatment Chinese and Western elements are used in a sensible combination. With the energetic effect of the Chinese medicine the body is perfectly prepared for the static treatments of the spinal column and the joints.


What is acupuncture?
The concept acupuncture is largely known. It is part of the ancient Asian medicine system which, especially today, has come into its own due to the increase in holistic treatments and the increasing demand for a sensible prophylaxis (prevention) and treatment.

From the Asian point of view, it is the life energy which is primary to all functions of the body. It flows through our body in a special circuit. According to this philosophy, disorders and malfunctions are based on a localized excess or lack of life energy. With the help of acupuncture points, the energy in this circuit is redirected.

Treatment with a needle or massage?
Massage according to energetic principles was already known in ancient times in China. Sometimes it was even preferred to the treatment with needles. EST follows this classic example. It has, however, been adapted to today's requirements and combines old Chinese thinking with modern knowledge. Needles are seldom used. Instead treatment is carried out gently with the tip of the finger or with a massage stick.

The possibilities of EST
APM addresses the flow of energy. Treatments are adapted to the individual energetic condition on hand.

a) Orthopaedic Rheumatic Diseases
EST/APM is ideal for the treatment of diseases of a rheumatic nature, such as backaches lumbago, sciatica, arthritis of the knee and hip joint, the frozen shoulder syndrome (Periarthritis humero scapularis), tennis and golf elbows (Epicondylitis lateralis and medialis), carpal tunnel syndrome, etc., which are regarded as a disturbance in the flow of energy and balanced by the corresponding energy shifts. The effect of the treatment is immediately obvious and misjudgements regarding the treatment procedure can thus be avoided.


The same applies to spinal column complaints, such as bulging of the inter-vertebral discs (protrusions) and some forms of the prolapsed inter-vertebral discs (prolapse). In some cases, "Morbus Bechterew" and "M. Scheuermann" diseases are also suitable indications.


Since the treatments are always adapted to the individual needs of the patient, it is frequently possible to alleviate, already during the first treatment, old disorders and pains, stiff joints due to rheumatism or arthritis or movement restrictions due to an accident

b) Further Indications
Furthermore, disturbances of the blood circulation, some forms circulatory disorders involving arteries or veins also respond to this treatment method. Good treatment results with headaches, migraines, sleeplessness, nerve pain, hay fever etc. have also been achieved.
Since it is almost impossible to predict whether the disorders or diseases will respond to the treatment, it is advisable to have one or two "test treatments" and decide on further treatments depending on the result of these trial treatments.


The Limitations of EST
The treatment of the spinal column is an important component of the treatment. However, a normalization of the existing positions of the spinal column is often not advisable in the case of very old or stiff persons as well as in the presence of advanced osteoporosis.


Furthermore, no effect can be expected after physical structures have been destroyed. On the other hand, the destruction and, therefore, the resistance to the treatment cannot always be inferred from the clinical diagnosis. A good example of this statement is arthrosis (the wear and tear of joints), where the symptoms can often be influenced positively, even though the X-ray does not show any changes.


Also in these cases one or two "test treatments" will clarify what treatment possibilities exist. As a rule, the improvements reached during these trial treatments can be stabilized by further treatments.


EST/APM should not be used in the presence of a serious depression or psychosis, if the patient is on psychiatric medication. Slight depressions, however, are no contraindication for EST/APM.


In the case of cancer patients, EST/APM is always contraindicated, since this type of treatment might aggravate the disease. The treatment of the spinal column and the joints is also contraindicated because of the possibility of existing metastases.

The Assessment of EST
In the case of pain and limited movement, the patient almost always feels that this treatment method is the right one. The therapist can immediately observe the effect of the treatment method and change the procedure, if necessary.

Furthermore the therapist gets feedback from touching the patient's skin; that way the therapist determines whether the problem is due to an excess or a lack of energy, and can then adapt the treatment to these findings.


Ear Reflex Zone Control according to Radloff
The ears offer the therapist various and important diagnostic and control possibilities since they offer reflex points for the whole body.

These acupuncture points give information about the energetic condition and functional problems in the spinal column and body joints. Furthermore, the effect of a treatment can immediately be assessed. Even temporary relief of complaints can, therefore, lead to proper treatment. Thanks to these unique control possibilities the physical therapy achieves an effectiveness and efficiency that were unknown in the past.

EST/APM has a variety of normalizing effects on the organism. However, the energetic portion of ESB can only achieve limited changes in the position of the vertebrae and joints. In order to influence these structures effectively, a special technique was developed, thanks to which the spinal column and the body joints can be treated very effectively, without the use of force.

The Pelvic Deviation
A difference of up to 2.5 cm in the length of the legs can be frequently observed.


German site of Klaus Radloff
German site of Klaus Radloff

Gabriela Christ, Olten, Schweiz

APM RADLOFF - The gentle alternative to chiropractic

Do not think that pain and its cause can be found at the same place. Unless you have beaten yourself with the hammer on this part.